What We Do


The SAPZ Program is aimed at catalyzing sustainable agro-industrial development in Nigeria by establishing Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zones. These zones aim to enhance food security, boost rural economies, create employment opportunities, and contribute to the overall economic growth of the nation. This mandate encompasses a holistic approach, integrating agriculture, processing, and community development within designated zones. The SAPZ Program is committed to fulfilling its mandate by fostering agro-industrial development in Nigeria.


This mandate serves as a guiding framework for the effective coordination of program activities within the SAPZ Program in Nigeria. By adhering to these principles, we aim to create a sustainable and transformative agro-industrial landscape that positively impacts local communities and contributes to national economic development:

  1. Integrated Program Coordination:  Facilitate and coordinate all aspects of the SAPZ Program, ensuring the integration of activities across multiple sectors, including agriculture, industry, infrastructure, and community development.
  2. Stakeholder Collaboration: Foster collaboration and synergy among diverse stakeholders, including government agencies, private sector partners, local communities, and development partners, to achieve a unified and holistic approach to SAPZ development.
  3. Strategic Planning: Develop and implement strategic plans that align with the overall goals of the SAPZ Program, taking into consideration the dynamic nature of the agricultural and industrial landscape.
  4. Resource Mobilization: Coordinate efforts to mobilize resources, including financial, human, and technological, to support the effective implementation of SAPZ activities.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to track the progress of program activities, assess their impact, and facilitate data-driven decision-making.
  6. Community Engagement and Inclusion: Ensure active engagement with local communities in SAPZ locations, incorporating their perspectives, addressing concerns, and promoting inclusive development.
  7. Public Relations and Communication: Implement effective public relations and communication strategies to raise awareness about SAPZ activities, engage with the public, and maintain transparency in program operations.
  8. Regulatory Compliance: Coordinate efforts to ensure compliance with national and international regulations, standards, and best practices in agriculture, industry, and environmental sustainability.
  9. Capacity Building: Develop and implement capacity-building initiatives for relevant stakeholders, including farmers, agro-entrepreneurs, and local government officials, to enhance their skills and knowledge in line with SAPZ objectives.
  10. Risk Management: Identify potential risks and challenges in program implementation and develop proactive strategies for risk mitigation.
  11. Technology Integration: Facilitate the integration of modern technologies and innovative practices in agriculture and agro-industry within the SAPZs.


This mandate for regular supervision and monitoring is integral to the success of the SAPZ Program. By adhering to these principles and objectives, we aim to establish a dynamic, responsive, and accountable framework that contributes significantly to the development of agro-industrial processing zones in Nigeria:

  1. Regular Supervision: Implement a systematic approach to the regular supervision of all SAPZ Program activities, including but not limited to infrastructure development, community engagement, and capacity-building initiatives.
  2. Monitoring Framework: Establish and maintain a robust monitoring framework that encompasses key performance indicators (KPIs), milestones, and objectives, enabling the systematic evaluation of program activities.
  3. Adherence to Timelines: Ensure that program activities adhere to established timelines, promptly identifying and addressing any delays to maintain program momentum.
  4. Quality Assurance: Implement measures to uphold the quality and standards of SAPZ activities, including agro-processing facilities, infrastructure, and capacity-building initiatives.
  5. Community Impact Assessment: Conduct regular assessments to gauge the impact of program activities on local communities, considering socio-economic factors and community well-being.
  6. Resource Utilization: Monitor the utilization of financial and human resources allocated to program activities, ensuring efficiency and adherence to the approved budget.
  7. Risk Identification and Mitigation: Identify potential risks to program activities and implement proactive measures to mitigate risks, ensuring the smooth progress of the SAPZ Program.
  8. Data Collection and Analysis: Systematically collect, analyze, and interpret data related to program activities, providing a basis for evidence-based decision-making.
  9. Stakeholder Engagement in Monitoring: Engage stakeholders, including local communities, government agencies, private sector partners, and funders, in the monitoring process, fostering transparency and accountability.


This mandate for consolidating the annual work plan and budget is fundamental to the success of the SAPZ Program. By adhering to these principles and objectives, we aim to create a well-planned, transparent, and impactful program that contributes significantly to the development of agro-industrial processing zones in Nigeria:

  1. Strategic Planning: Develop a comprehensive annual work plan that aligns with the SAPZ Program's overarching goals and objectives, incorporating strategic initiatives and milestones.
  2. Budget Formulation: Formulate an accurate and realistic budget that corresponds to the activities outlined in the annual work plan, ensuring effective resource allocation.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, private sector partners, and local communities, to gather input and perspectives for the annual work plan and budget.
  4. Prioritization of Activities: Prioritize SAPZ activities based on their impact, urgency, and alignment with program goals, ensuring efficient use of available resources.
  5. Alignment with National Policies: Ensure that the annual work plan and budget align with national agricultural and economic development policies, fostering synergy and support from governmental bodies.
  6. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Conduct a risk assessment during the consolidation process, identifying potential challenges and formulating mitigation strategies to address uncertainties.
  7. Flexibility and Adaptability: Integrate flexibility into the annual work plan and budget, allowing for adjustments based on emerging opportunities, challenges, or changes in the program's strategic direction.


The Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone (SAPZ) Program in Nigeria is mandated to execute a strategic and comprehensive publicity plan for the effective communication of program activities. By adhering to these principles and objectives, we aim to create a well-publicized, transparent, and widely supported program that contributes significantly to the development of agro-industrial processing zones in Nigeria:

  1. Brand Development: Develop and maintain a strong and consistent brand identity for the SAPZ Program, including a recognizable logo, tagline, and visual elements that reflect the program's goals and values.
  2. Strategic Messaging: Craft clear and compelling messages that communicate the benefits, objectives, and impact of the SAPZ Program, tailoring them to various stakeholders, including government agencies, private sector partners, and local communities.
  3. Multichannel Communication: Utilize a mix of communication channels, including traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers) and digital platforms (websites, social media, email newsletters), to reach diverse audiences.
  4. Website Management: Establish and maintain an official SAPZ website as a central hub for information, updates, and resources. Ensure the website is user-friendly, informative, and regularly updated.
  5. Social Media Engagement: Create and manage active social media accounts on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share regular updates, success stories, and engage with the online community.
  6. Press Releases and Media Outreach: Develop and distribute press releases to national and local media outlets to announce key milestones, project launches, and significant achievements. Cultivate relationships with journalists for ongoing media coverage.
  7. Influencer Collaboration: Identify and collaborate with influencers, thought leaders, and experts in the agricultural and agribusiness sectors to endorse and promote the SAPZ Program. Leverage their reach and credibility for broader publicity.
  8. Community Engagement Events: Organize and participate in community engagement events, town hall meetings, and workshops to directly interact with local communities. Use these events to address concerns, gather feedback, and share information about SAPZ benefits.
  9. Educational Campaigns: Launch educational campaigns to inform farmers, agro-entrepreneurs, and the general public about the SAPZ program's objectives, opportunities, and how to participate. Develop educational materials for distribution.
  10. Partnership with Agricultural Organizations: Partner with agricultural associations, cooperatives, and industry organizations to extend the reach of the SAPZ Program. Collaborate on joint events, share resources, and tap into existing networks for broader publicity.
  11. Government and Diplomatic Engagement: Engage with government officials, policymakers, and diplomatic missions to secure support and endorsement for the SAPZ Program. Highlight the program's contribution to national economic development and food security.


The Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone (SAPZ) Program in Nigeria is mandated to execute a comprehensive strategy for the publicity of program activities. By adhering to these principles and objectives, we aim to create a well-publicized, engaged, and supported program that contributes significantly to the development of agro-industrial processing zones in Nigeria:

  1. Brand Development: Develop and maintain a distinctive and compelling brand identity for the SAPZ Program, including logos, taglines, and visual elements that reflect the program's values and objectives.
  2. Communication Strategy: Formulate a comprehensive communication strategy outlining key messages, target audiences, and channels for disseminating information about SAPZ activities.
  3. Multichannel Engagement: Utilize a mix of communication channels, including traditional media (TV, radio, newspapers) and digital platforms (websites, social media, email newsletters), to reach a diverse audience.
  4. Website Management: Establish and manage an official SAPZ website as a central hub for information, updates, and resources related to program activities, achievements, and opportunities.
  5. Social Media Presence: Create and manage social media accounts on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share regular updates, success stories, and engage with the online community.
  6. Public Relations: Foster positive relationships with media outlets and journalists to secure coverage of SAPZ events, initiatives, and success stories through press releases and media engagement.
  7. Collaboration with Influencers: Identify and collaborate with influencers, thought leaders, and experts in the agricultural and agribusiness sectors to endorse and promote the SAPZ Program, expanding its reach and credibility.
  8. Community Engagement Events: Organize and participate in community engagement events, town hall meetings, and workshops to directly interact with local communities, addressing concerns and sharing information.
  9. Educational Campaigns: Launch educational campaigns to inform farmers, agro-entrepreneurs, and the general public about the SAPZ program's objectives, opportunities, and how to participate.
  10. Partnership with Agricultural Organizations: Collaborate with agricultural associations, cooperatives, and industry organizations to extend the reach of the SAPZ Program, leveraging existing networks for broader publicity.
  11. Government and Diplomatic Engagement: Engage with government officials, policymakers, and diplomatic missions to secure support and endorsement for the SAPZ Program, emphasizing its contribution to national economic development and food security.
  12. Feedback Mechanism: Establish a feedback mechanism to gauge public sentiment, receive input, and address concerns, fostering a two-way communication approach.


The Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone (SAPZ) Program in Nigeria is mandated to efficiently process Project Implementation Unit (PIU) reports for approval by funders. This mandate for processing PIU reports is crucial to maintaining transparency, accountability, and effective communication with the funders of the SAPZ Program:

  1. Coordination of Report Compilation: Oversee the compilation of comprehensive PIU reports, ensuring that all relevant project activities, achievements, challenges, and financial details are accurately documented.
  2. Review and Quality Assurance: Conduct a thorough review and quality assurance process for PIU reports, verifying the accuracy of information, adherence to reporting standards, and compliance with funders' requirements.
  3. Financial Transparency: Ensure financial transparency in PIU reports by providing a detailed breakdown of budget allocations, expenditures, and financial outcomes, aligning with the approved budget.
  4. Timeline Adherence: Implement a timeline management system to ensure the timely compilation, review, and submission of PIU reports, aligning with the reporting schedules specified by funders.
  5. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with internal and external stakeholders, including project managers, implementing agencies, and funders, to gather input and insights for inclusion in PIU reports.
  6. Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Include a comprehensive risk assessment in PIU reports, highlighting potential challenges encountered during project implementation and proposing effective mitigation strategies.
  7. Strategic Recommendations: Formulate strategic recommendations based on the findings and outcomes presented in PIU reports, addressing any adjustments needed for program success and alignment with funders' expectations.
  8. Alignment with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Ensure that PIU reports align with established Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and provide a clear analysis of performance against these indicators.


The Special Agro-Industrial Processing Zone (SAPZ) Program in Nigeria is mandated to efficiently to report funders. Reporting to funders is an integral part of this commitment, ensuring transparency, accountability, and collaboration in the pursuit of sustainable agricultural and economic growth:

  1. Transparency in Financial Management:
    • Provide transparent and accountable financial management, ensuring that funds are utilized judiciously and in accordance with the approved budget.
    • Regularly submit detailed financial reports to funders, including expenditure breakdowns and future budget considerations.
  2. Comprehensive Progress Reporting:
    • Submit regular progress reports to funders, outlining achievements, challenges, community feedback, and strategic adjustments.
    • Include key performance indicators and metrics to measure the impact of the SAPZ Program.
  3. Strategic Recommendations:
    • Offer strategic recommendations for funding considerations, aligning with program priorities and addressing potential challenges.
    • Seek support or guidance from funders on specific aspects crucial to the success of the SAPZ Program.

Our Partners

SAPZ is a program designed by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (FMAFS).



No. 3 Aguleri Street, Area 11
Garki-Abuja, Nigeria